In this paper, Kreuger reviews some of his contributions to virtual environments, which are mainly concerned with compositing video with virtual environments to create a new scene. Some of the applications mentioned are multi-point control for sculpting and videoconferencing. Other applications include range-of-motion therapy and an educational tool for teaching children about the scientific method. He rejects the idea of using input which is unnatural to the user, such as a head-mounted display, and advocates a “come as you are” approach.
The paper was generally not very academic and lacking in the area of quantitative results. One point of interest to me was the fact that Kreuger coined the term “artificial reality”.
The author briefly mentions combining gesture input with speech recognition. The paper by Rabiner and Juang on hidden markov models uses the example application of speech recognition. One possible extension to the research may be combining speech and gesture data into a single HMM to more quickly or accurately recognize a user's intended command.
in case you haven't already seen it, there is a 1980 paper called "Put That There" that deals with the idea of combining speech and gesture. I think here is the paper or here is a video. I don't recall whether they use HMMs but it could be a good reference or starting point in that research direction, which I agree could be pretty useful.
Excellent comment, Katie. There is also some a similar system using full body gestures (from the vision side) by David Demirdjian from MIT.
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